Integral Service Management

Our team of professionals is involved in all the stages of the constructive process, offering expert assistance throughout the entire path, until the final delivery.

A New Investment Model

In the new real estate market’s scenario, and given the new paradigm the industry is going through, we create alliances with land owners, integrating them as business partners. The system depends on the type of development to be carried out and the mutual benefit for all the parties involved: owner, developer and investors.

Project Development

We include the entire value chain within the Real Estate industry, from the conception of the project to its final delivery. We take care of the design, legal and financial structure, funding, construction, positioning and finally, commercialization. We ground each stage of the process on two strategies:

  • Diversifying the product portfolio if we consider that the market offer does not cover the client's requirements.
  • Designing tailored products for investors who share our investment philosophy, own land and wish to add quality and value to it.

Consulting Services

We position ourselves as a strategic ally, offering tools that aid the decision-making process of developers and individual and institutional investors. We collaborate in the conception, design and launch of the projects through the following services:

  • Identifying opportunities
  • Analyzing existing property (location, services, feasibility, etc.)
  • Financial planning (forecasts, return rates, risk, funds flow, investment terms, background of the players involved)
  • Market research
  • Marketing and communication
  • Integral project management
  • Works management
  • Management control